izv. prof. art. Irma Omerzo

Suvremeni ples i Baletna pedagogija


Irma Omerzo, docentica, koreografkinja suvremenog plesa, rođena je 1969.g. u Zagrebu.

Plesno obrazovanje stječe u Francuskoj 1989.-1991. na Centre Nationale de Danse Contemporaine – Angers. U Francuskoj je radila od 1991. – 2005. s Andy Degroatom, s Philippe Decoufleom u kompaniji DCA bila je aktivna deset godina kao plesačica i asistentica koreografa, te s koreografom i redateljem Francois Verretom. 2008. – 2012.g. obrazuje se kao certificirana instruktorica Feldenkrais metode u pri Accord Mobile u Parizu.
U Zagrebu 2001. osniva umjetničku organizaciju MARMOT. Autorica je međunarodno prepoznatih cjelovečernjih plesnih predstava Mi-Nous, Meni ti to nije baš…, Euro vizija, Kratki program br.1, Foto-plession, Treći kratki program – Trisolistice, Odijelo ne čini čovjeka, Vizita, Ništa, Tehnika, Meteo, Do kosti, U hodu, Razlikovanja te nekoliko plesnih filmova: Plesati sa…, Trisolistice, U našem gradu.
Potpisuje i kraće plesne instalacije za nekazališne prostore, performanse, sociološka istraživanja vezana uz ples, programaciju plesnih filmova, te suradnje s likovnim umjetnicima i performerima. Kao suradnica za pokret na brojnim dramskim projektima je višestruko nagrađivana.
Dobitnica je strukovne nagrade Udruge plesnih umjetnika Hrvatske 2011. za koreografski i pedagoški rad, za zalaganje s ciljem poboljšanja statusa suvremenog plesa i plesača, a povodom desetogodišnjice djelovanja umjetničke organizacije MARMOT.
Od 2013. nastavnica je na odsjeku plesa pri Akademiji dramske umjetnosti gdje drži redovitu nastavu na predmetima koreografije, Feldenkrais metode te izvedbenih radionica.


Irma Omerzo, artistic docent, choreographer of contemporary dance, was born in 1969 in Zagreb.

She received has dance education in France from 1989 until 1991 at the Center Nationale de Danse Contemporaine – Angers. She worked in France from 1991 until 2005 with Andy Degroat, was active for ten years as a dancer and assistant choreographer with Philippe Decoufle in DCA, and worked with a choreographer and director Francois Verret. From 2008 until 2012, she was training at Accord Mobile in Paris to become a certified instructor of the Feldenkrais method.
In 2001, she founded the artistic organization MARMOT. She is the author of many internationally well-known dance performances Mi-Nous, Meni ti to baš nije…, Euro Vision, Kratki program br. 1, Foto-plession, Treći kratki program – Trisolistice, Odijelo ne čini čovjeka, Vizita, Ništa, Tehnika, Meteo, Do kosti, U hodu, Razlikovanja and of a few dance movies: Plesati sa…, Trisolistice, U našem gradu. In addition, she is the author of short dance installations for non-theatre venues, performance art pieces, dance-related sociological researches, dance film programming, and collaborations with visual artists and performers. She has won many awards for her choreographic work in numerous drama-based theatre performance.
On the occasion of the ten-year work anniversary of the artistic organization MARMOT, she was awarded a professional award from the Association of Dance Artists of Croatia in 2011 for her choreographic and pedagogical work and her efforts to improve the status of contemporary dance and dancers.
Since 2013, she has been a teacher at the Dance Department of the Academy of Dramatic Art, where she teaches choreography coureses, Feldenkrais courses and performance workshops.

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